Wisdom Teeth Extractions

If your general dentist has recommended that you need to get your wisdom teeth removed, we’re sure you’re full of questions about the process. Here are a few answers to the most common questions our patients usually have.

1. Why do I need my wisdom teeth removed?

Your third set of molars, commonly referred to as the wisdom teeth, often need to be removed in order to prevent them from causing you a multitude of dental problems. Most people do not have room in their mouth to accommodate them, and this can lead to pain, cause the teeth to crowd, and become infected.

2. What is the process like?

There are two ways wisdom teeth are extracted, and this depends on whether they’ve erupted or not. If they have already erupted, the process is similar to a normal tooth extraction: Your doctor will anesthetize the area around the tooth, then gently rock it back and forth until it gradually comes out.

If the teeth are still under your gums, this calls for a surgical extraction. The doctor will make a small incision in your gums above the tooth and remove it. Afterward, he’ll use self-dissolving stitches to close the site.

3. Will the extraction hurt?

No. Your doctor will numb the area around your tooth before starting, so you will feel no physical discomfort during the procedure.

For a surgical extraction, you will most likely be put under general anesthesia for the procedure. You’ll be completely unconscious the entire time, and probably have no memory of it when you wake up.

4. What will I feel like afterward?

Normal symptoms after wisdom tooth extractions in San Antonio are redness, swelling, and soreness around the surgery sites. For the first day, there will probably be some bleeding as well. While you may be a little bit uncomfortable, you won’t be in pain. This discomfort should be easily managed by the prescription we give you.

5. How long does it take?

Our oral surgeons will be able to remove all four of your wisdom teeth in under two hours. If you are having fewer teeth removed, the procedure will be shorter.

6. How should I prepare for a surgical wisdom tooth extraction?

We will probably ask you to fast the night before your surgery. In most cases, the doctor will recommend you don’t eat for at least 10 hours beforehand.

If you are going to be put under general anesthesia, it is required that someone drive you to and from the office, so be sure to arrange for transportation beforehand. You should also have a plan for child care because you will need to rest the first few days after the procedure.

You will be put on a soft food diet for the first few days after your surgery as well, so it’s a good idea to stock up on such items in advance so you don’t have to run to the grocery store while you are recovering.

7. How long does recovery take?

In most cases, recovery should take about a week. This depends on your particular situation, and how strictly you follow your doctor’s post-surgery instructions.

8. What is the recovery process like?

You’ll be instructed simply to rest immediately after your procedure, meaning little or no physical activity. After that, you’ll still need to take it easy for the next 3 or 4 days before you return to your regular routines.

For the first couple of days, you will probably have to change out the dressing in your mouth every couple of hours as well. You’ll be put on a soft food diet, and prescribed medication to help you manage the soreness.

Still Have Questions?

Hopefully this answered most of your questions, but if you still have more, no problem! Simply contact our office and we’ll be happy to give you all the answers you need.

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