Emergency Dentistry

A dental emergency in San Antonio can happen to anyone at any time. Whether it happens because of trauma or because of a longstanding dental problem that suddenly manifests itself, you could unexpectedly find yourself in immense pain.

When these situations occur, don’t panic! Instead, calmly assess the situation and seek help immediately. It shouldn’t be long before your oral health is back on track.

Assess the Situation

A number of situations can qualify as a dental emergency, such as severe toothaches, a lost filling or crown, or an abscessed tooth. A general dentist is well qualified to handle most of these circumstances, so if there is a dental provider near you with whom you feel comfortable, don’t hesitate to give him or her a call when you are experiencing a dental problem.

In other cases, it may be best to contact an oral surgeon in San Antonio right away. Our doctors have special expertise in handling specific types of dental emergencies, such as:

  • Facial trauma
  • Avulsed (knocked-out) teeth
  • Problems with dental implants

If you’re ever unsure whether your situation means you should see a general dentist, an oral surgeon, or a physician, give us a call right away. Describe the situation, and we’ll recommend what you should do for your next steps.

How We Can Help

We do our best to fit in emergency patients as soon as we can — usually on the same day. When you come into our office for treatment, you can expect compassionate, expert care. Here are some examples of how we may be able to help you.

Facial Trauma

If you have been involved in an accident that caused a serious injury to your face, it may be wise to visit your medical doctor first for an evaluation. The physician may refer you swiftly to us because we have advanced training in how facial structures work.

Whether you suffered a soft tissue injury or broken facial bones, we will strive to make repairs so you regain optimum function and suffer minimal aesthetic consequences.

Dental Implant Problems

Dental implants are successful for most patients, but in some cases, an expert needs to intervene to stop an implant from failing. If you are experiencing significant pain around an implant, or an implant feels loose, come see us as soon as possible so we can attempt to salvage it.

Avulsed Tooth

An avulsed tooth is a particularly time-sensitive dental emergency because there is a narrow window (usually about an hour) within which it may be possible to reattach the tooth. To increase the chances that we can save your tooth, handle it only by the crown (the part you normally see above the gums), gently rinse off any debris, and store it in its original socket or in a glass of milk until you get to our office.

We hope you never have to face a dental emergency, but if you do, know that we’re eager to help you get through the situation with as little pain and stress as possible.

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